CV developement, funding and more
Build a career in academia

CV developement, funding and more
Build a career in academia

CV developement, funding and more
CV developement, funding and more
There are many factors that can be important for building a successful career in academia. This includes conducting high-quality research and publishing your work in reputable journals, networking with other academics and professionals in your field and at international level and securing funding for your research.
For most researchers, becoming independent means moving away from your PhD supervisor's group by visiting or joining another university for a period of time and starting to publish and network in the pursuit of your own ideas and interests.
Additionally, it can be helpful to develop strong teaching skills and the ability to supervise students. Ultimately, the key to building a successful career in academia is to be passionate about your work and to be dedicated to continuous development.
For more information about the research positions at Danish universities, contact HR AAU or talk to your supervisor or head of department.
Networking is important if you want to pursue a career within academia. Think actively about building/expanding your network both locally and internationally. Remember, networking is not only about getting others to help you, but about sharing information and services with others. Use your network positively in your efforts to establish a career within academia.